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The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that St. By Christa Lawler. Carbo was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder in in St. Louis County District Court, closing a cold case from that had never, before Carbo, seen an arrest. He was sentenced to life in prison with a chance for parole in 17 years for the death of Nancy Daugherty, a year-old mother of two and well-liked aide at an Iron Range nursing home.
Daugherty, who was strangled, was found beneath bed covers in her modest Chisholm home on July 16, — the same day she was scheduled to move to the Twin Cities to study to become a paramedic. At the time, Carbo was 18 and lived less than a mile away. He had gone to school with her children. Barry Anderson. The case will be sent back to Hibbing, where it was originally tried with Judge Robert C. Friday presiding. The trial date has not been scheduled.
Carbo, 56, is currently in the Rush City prison. His family, with whom he checks in weekly, had not yet heard from him at midday. Louis County Attorney Kimberly Maki said she expects he will remain in prison while waiting on the rescheduled trial.
They worked with a company that uses genealogy databases to make matches with suspects. Over the course of decades, there had been more than other suspects considered. Reward money went unclaimed. In District Court, defense attorney JD Schmid was not allowed to present his alternate perpetrator defense, which was directed at someone Daugherty knew: a man who had been her friend, but after moving away from Chisholm continued to send her letters indicating he wanted a romantic relationship.