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To browse Academia. Vamos con todo is a mixed-genre, popular entertainment programme transmitted in Ecuador on anational television channel. While it incorporates various genres, the thread running throughout the programme is the creation of scandal and the instigation of confrontation. This can be seen, for example, in relation to the topics dealt with e.
What would you say to him? What is of particular interest is that whereas the format and basic content of the programme are designed to generate confrontation and controversy, very little of either is finally delivered in practice. On the one hand, unlike what happens in related talk-shows in Spain cf.
As for the hosts, on the other hand, they initially instigate confrontation and controversy, but then seem rapidly to backtrack, ending each controversial news item in a rather conciliatory manner. In this paper we explore the pragmatic mechanisms through which confrontation and scandal are first created and then minimized in Vamos con todo, resulting in what viewers familiar with prototypical Spanish confrontational talk-shows, for example, may regard as an emasculated equivalent.
The study draws on the literature on television discourse cf. Placencia Vamos con todo is a mixed-genre entertainment programme transmitted in Ecuador on a national television channel. Extracts of these interviews are ingeniously presented to create a sense of confrontation between the celebrities concerned. While Vamos con todo incorporates various genres, the running thread throughout the programme is the creation of scandal and the instigation of confrontation.