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To browse Academia. Leila Papoli-Yazdi , Omran Garazhian , maryam dezhamkhooy. Maria-Louise Sidoroff. Amy Roberts. Daniela Valenzuela. Adrienne Frie. This course offers students an introduction to the principles and practice of laboratory techniques and the integration of hands-on activities with hypothesis-driven archaeological research. Students will learn how to identify, properly catalog, and analyze cultural materials commonly recovered from archaeological sites. Emphasis will be placed on developing practical skills and knowledge related to conducting analyses and reporting results of archaeological investigations.
The course will provide an overview of a broad range of cultural materials including stone tools, ceramics, shell and bone artifacts, ecofacts, and a variety of post-contact period artifacts.
In addition, students will be introduced to basic method and theory with respect to classification and typology, artifact analysis, and curation. Each student will choose a topic of interest to design an independent research proposal.
This will give the students the opportunity to 1 research a particular archaeological region and phenomenon; 2 form a hypothesis; 3 design a research project to test the hypothesis; 4 write a professional grant proposal. The course has a significant laboratory component during which students will obtain hands-on experience with artifacts and other archaeological materials. In-class assignments and quizzes comprise a major component of the course grade.