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To browse Academia. Helen Masterman-Smith. Robin Price. John Rice. This paper empirically assesses some of the propositions relating to the positive impacts of the introduction of AWAs and individual contracts within the Australian workplace.
We study the impact of AWA adoption within Australian firms with between 20 and employees. We find no support for the overall proposition that AWAs improve productivity and hence lead to increases in employment and wages. We offer some alternative conclusions, based upon the empirical evidence presented, as to their impact. Rune Wigblad. Both the public and private sectors have since the s relentlessly cut the size of their workforces.
The downsizing has regularly been reported to lead to closure of a whole or a part of a corporation or organization. Some studies which have analysed the closure process have reported remarkable, counterintuitive improvements in labor productivity during the period between the closure announcement and the final working day. Testing an elaborated cybernetic model on a Swedish case study, and on an exploratory basis, this paper proposes a holistic approach to generate a better understanding of this phenomenon.
David Peetz. Michael Gillan. David Peetz , Barbara Pocock. Glenn Patmore. Amanda Pyman. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Management of Workplace Change in the Australian Higher Education Sector: A study of employee involvement provisions in workplace agreements.