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Blount on August 1st, No- ; proceedings No. Proportionately low fares will, made from all points N. C expose to public sale. Said laud sold to satisfy said mortgage. This November This the day of November, J. Clerk Superior Court. Put SALE known as a part of the Blount Hall stake; thence north degree, east relief demanded will beginning at a stake, on the feel to a stake In thence branch between Stokes at north degrees east feet to a two sweet gums marked as pointer, stake; theme north degrees and running N.
The family graveyard. This same tract of land was sold on House door In the town of Greenville ore or less, and being the place on j marines the Inspection and December 13th at o'clock m. For schedules and further call on. Ticket Greenville. Toys for the Holiday trade, to a. Date of Monday, December acres, more or less; also a one-third in acres in the low grounds.
F our line is more borate than any ever shown in Green- ville. Before making your purchase i look over our line as we you money. While trustee, to secure the purchase J due for the land hereinafter describe i on the 13th day of December, which deed trust was properly re corded In the of the Register Deeds of Pitt county. In Book page the undersigned will sell cash at public auction before Hie court house door in Greenville on Saturday. December 11th, R, Fleming, Sr. In map book one. Davenport on January 1st.
Private sale can be made before day Administratrix's of public sale by seeing the under- Having qualified I signed. This December 4th. In the above en- titled action, I will on Monday, the 3rd day of January. James, deceased, law of Greenville. Pitt County North Caro- g Una. H Allen, has been, by mutual consent, tills day dissolved. OF All persons will take notice that the known as the lot.