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In encouraging the publication and study of the Occasional Papers, the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization does not necessarily endorse every viewpoint expressed in these papers. As part of the Lausanne hosted Forum in Pattaya, Thailand, Sept Oct 6 th , 43 youth leaders from 23 countries in all continents gathered to share, pray, discuss and plan together ways of reaching the youth generation world wide with the good news of Jesus Christ. It was our desire to understand the ways in which young people live, think, feel and communicate and to learn from one another and the church worldwide how the young generation can be reached authentically and effectively with the gospel.
Certainly the young generation today — and tomorrow — is included in this great commission of Jesus. The realization that our world is made up of a great number of people groups, cultures and sub-cultures , all of which are entitled to hear the good news that God became man in Jesus Christ to redeem the lost and to restore the broken to Himself. The understanding that within modern and post-modern society, not only in the West, but also in varying degrees in other parts of the world, there is a generation gap with the result that a specific and particular youth culture is emerging.
We believe that the gospel message needs to be translated into every culture and subculture so that people may believe and commit their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we seek to understand the questions and life issues, the dreams and hopes, the fear and the wounds of the young generation in order minister more authentically and truthfully to the future generation.
We know that what is presented here is only a first step to further deliberations and in-depth study. Because of the make-up of our issue group, not all parts of the world were equally represented.