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Honestly, he's expecting a grumpy and wrinkly old man or lady but instead, he gets this beautiful Liyuean doctor. Popular hentai mangaka Zhongli is still a virgin despite drawing fictional characters having sex. Sadly, Zhongli thinks they are only friends, so he hides his feelings for his husband. So, how many knots can Zhongli take? The world is split into two, those who are controlled by Thanatos and those who are controlled by Eros.
Those who are controlled by Thanatos are inclined to die and those who are controlled by Eros are inclined to love. His mother follows where her son is pointing and her eyes land on the words on her arm. She smiles, albeit sadly. He puffs up his chest and crosses his arms. Did papa use permanent markers when he wrote them? His mother shakes her head and crouches down. Yes, he did. Zhongli should've felt a bit more when the doctor had informed him of his condition. But he didn't cry.
He only frowned and had his eyebrows furrowed. After all Such a thing couldn't compare to the moment when he found that Childe was seeing someone behind him. With a few weeks to live, Zhongli arranges a two-week trip around Teyvat with his cheating husband to mend their relationship before he passes away.