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Why not help make this guide bigger and more complete. Submissions should relatively follow the theme and style of previous posts and fit into one of the following categories:. Any submission should include at least one photo. Writing can be written in a word document or in the body of an e-mail.
I will format and lay out the post. If I edit any of the writing, I will check with your approval before posting. Please include:. Also include the name you want used as the submission credit real or nickname , and include captions for the photographs. If you have a favorite place around town that you want to show, feel free to make a submission.
We can work together to make this site more robust with information that will help newcomers, tourists, and expats learn about Tainan. Jane, you can make submissions or make suggestions by emailing me at tainancityguide gmail.
I am a American white male 78 years of age married to Taiwanese female 64 years of age planning to retire in Tainan…where is best location for a westerner to live? Looking for a modern Row Home with 2 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms.