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Comparable sustained virologic response SVR rates have been documented between Asian patients who received 24 weeks of pegylated interferon IFN plus ribavirin and white patients who received 48 weeks of combination therapy for hepatitis C virus genotype 1 HCV-1 infection.
Whether a week course of combination therapy shows a better SVR rate than a week course of such therapy among Asian patients with HCV-1 infection has not been confirmed in multicenter, randomized studies.
Therefore, prevention of HCV transmission and early intervention of HCV infection are urgently needed to reduce or halt the liver-related morbidity and mortality.
On the basis of ample evidence from Western countries, a week course of pegylated IFN plus weight-based ribavirin therapy is widely recommended to treat HCV-1 infection in different parts of the world [ 2 , 6 ]. Recently, several studies involving Asian patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 revealed favorable treatment response among white patients who received either 24 or 48 weeks of pegylated IFN plus weight-based ribavirin therapy [ 7—12 ].