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The Heat. Talk Africa. Big Story. Rediscovering China. Assignment Asia. Americas Now. Faces of Africa. Culture Express. Full Frame. Mike is a recipient of multiple television Emmy Awards. In that capacity she interviews opinion makers from around the world. Prior to that, he worked at the BBC for 28 years anchoring television and radio news and fronting nearly sixty documentaries.
He is the author of six books on the British landscape. Robyn also presents on location and special programming, and produces news and feature packages. Her broadcast career has combined business news with a focus on international stories, and has taken her to Istanbul, Paris, Sydney and London. She started her career as a field reporter, covering a wide range of political and economic events in China and abroad. At CGTN, Tianran has hosted some episodes of features programming in genres ranging from documentary and magazine, to entertainment and travel.
Ji has hosted different types programs in his nineteen-year TV career. His voice opened and closed the Beijing Olympic Games. He also won the "Golden Microphone Award" in , a national award for broadcasting in China. She first came to CGTN as a copy editor and was promoted to news anchor in Yang is British-Chinese and studied law in the United Kingdom. He has a Ph. Greg is from Canada and has spent most of his life playing, discussing, and analyzing sports.