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Please Note: No real names, or identifying information.. I've read and agree to our Terms Of Use. Tell Your Breakup Story! Tags: Bad breakup ,. I was head over heals for a guy in 2 of my classes. Being a super shy girl I didn't think we'd ever be together. Through a class project he asked to be partners then later from there we started dating. Literally happiest time of my life. We did everything together and we both agreed it felt like we'd be together for months and months because we clicked so well.
His reason was that he may be transferring to another city to play football his junior year of highschool. Even though we are only sophmores and still and have 5 months before he would have to leave, he still decided he wanted to end things. He said some pretty hurtful things in the messages too. Should i confront him about this or just leave things the way they are? With our basic plan, you will be able to utilize our Info Vault to store your most important documents, photos and files ensuring your loved ones will get the information you intend them to without the expense and stress of lawyers and probate.
And now with our free will builder , you can create your own online will and have it automatically added to your Info Vault. I was in love with my best friend since 6th grade. I was so excited to hear that he like me back. One day he broke up with me in a note not even to my face. We had been dating for 4 months. I completly went into depression after that. I started to cry and cry for hours on end. I told myself no one would ever love me like he loved me.
I knew i'd never be the same without him. I can barely look at him without tears coming to my eyes. It doesn't matter if we are in middle school. I loved him and still do. I go to bed hoping someday he'll love me back. Maybe someday. I met a girl on a app, The connection made in the very beginning was a special one even though we were more than KM apart. It was wonderful, We had ideas for the future until her brother found out and made her break up with me not long ago, Nearly banning full contact with me.