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Last August my Taiwanese father-in-law passed away. Below are some observations regarding his funeral. I only post what I considered interesting aspects of the many traditional customs during this event. I am no expert on Taiwan customs. Comments on what I observed and heard are my personal feelings and may not jive with what an expert knows about these customs. I did not prod people to describe the customs in detail to me and my Chinese is definitely not good enough to go into that level of detail…and then some people could only describe in Taiwanese.
I break my comments into separate parts. I hope not too long and boring…but then again only those that are interested will read. I did not take many photos…. A few shown are sourced from others. The location was in Douliou county area…. Timing and body Since my father-in-law Mr Lai died during Ghost Month the funeral needed to wait until 13 days later….
The body was in a freezer. From pm to pm a group of ladies led the family members in prayer. Afterwards a large bonfire was lit.
The funeral was a day and a half long event. The first day was comprised mostly of praying followed by a large bonfire. The next day visitors paid their respects. Then a small marching band comprised of 8 young women playing saxophones paraded around the body. Then Mr Lai was loaded into the vehicle to take him to the cremation facility. Then we left the visitors and drove with Mr Lai to the cremation facility. Well, we picked up this plaque at the cremation facility and brought to a temple which hosts such plaques.