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Please help us keep these listings current and correct. Wong, M. Taiwan - free and natural - not only filled with tropical beauty and geographic splendor, but it is one of Asia's most progressive countries for LGBT rights, and certainly the most liberal of the Chinese diaspora. On May 16, , Taiwan regularized adoption for same-sex parents. On May 17, Taiwan legalized same sex marriage. This followed a May 24, ruling by Taiwan's Constitutional Court that affirmed equal protection for same-sex marriage rights, a first in Asia.
Justices ruled that sexual orientation was an "immutable characteristic that is resistant to change," reaffirming freedom and equal protection for all citizens. Not only has the government of Taipei print up its own free guide to the gay community, but school children are taught about homosexuality and tolerance for sexual minorities. Over 30 gay organizations chose to celebrate in the sunlight at this location of Pai Hsien-Yung's famous gay novel, Crystal Boys.
Taiwanese gays are adept at electronic cruising. Even so, the quality and selection of gay venues has increased noticeably in the last decade, along with a refreshing openness towards gays and lesbians in society. Young Taiwanese are launching trendy and stylish businesses all over the island nation. Wednesdays are considered "little weekends" and clubs may be a bit busier on that night than other weekdays.
Discover what gay Japanese, South Koreans and Chinese gays have already discovered: Taiwan is a fun, sexy and relaxed gay holiday destination.