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Behind the seemingly clean and simple interface of the search box, there lurks the most complex global political economy and geopolitics today. This book un-boxes the political economy of search to show the broader structural changes that are taking place in global capitalism dynamically intertwined with the political economy of the Internet.
The book investigates four critical themes - commodification, the dynamics of the search market, labor, and geopolitics — that comprise the full scale of the political economy of search. Challenging naturalized search as a commodity, the book demonstrates that the transformation of search into a marketplace was far from imperative; rather, it involved the enclosure of public resources.
This also drives sectoral and geographical expansion, aggressive tactics between firms and the reconstruction of the massive global network infrastructure of control. The book shows that the ascendance of US-based search company Google shows that search has turned into a major geopolitical, economic, and inter-capitalist flash point re-galvanizing the rivalries among the global power blocs of the US, China, and Europe.
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