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Infection, Genetics and Evolution , Exploring the feasibility of utilizing universal primers in detecting mucormycosis pathogens: An in-silico analysis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease , 2 : Surya S, Sumitra P Multimedia Tools and Applications. Genetika , 60 2 : In silico analysis on frequency and distribution of microsatellites in genes associated with spinal cord astrocytoma. Human Gene , ExonSurfer: a web-tool to design primers at exon—exon junctions. BMC Genomics , Allele Mining in Wheat Prospects and Potentials.
Allele Mining in Banana. Analytical Biochemistry , Kamber T, Mathis A Journal of Applied Entomology , 1—5. Genes , 15 5 Advanced Science , Nie Ed. Growth performance, health status, gut microbiome, and expression of immune and growth-related genes of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fed diets with pea protein replacement of fish meal.
Najar MA, Gangophadhay G Identification and validation of defense related candidate genes in Sesamum under artificial inoculation of Macrophomina phaseolina.