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To browse Academia. Ivan Cruz Cruz. Alexandre Coelho. Rana Samara. Samara, R. Monje, T. Qubbaj and C. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, Oviposition behaviour and host selection of different German strains of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma aurosum Sugonjaev and Sorokina Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae were examined on eggs of five Lepidopteran hosts Cydia pomonella L.
The parasitization behaviour of individual female wasps was examined in choice and non-choice tests. Single female wasps were observed for 90 min. Pomonella eggs attacked by T. Values for L. Botrana and for A. Manuel Babault. A considerable amount of work has been recently devoted to the study of progeny allocation strategies by insect parasitoids under different environmental constraints see Waage, , for a review.
All these studies present each of the oviposition strategies e. Based on histological staining which allows to count the number of Trichogramma eggs deposited in each host Ephestia kuehniella Zeller , we compared different wasp isofemale lines i.
Ahmad Ashouri. Ahmad Dahlan. The size of low- and high-densityT. Also, incubation time of low- and high-density eggs in artificial diet was similar. Appearance of urate bodies in larvae developing low and high density occurred at the same time — h. Size of immatureT.