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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Small is Beautiful - Global Fund for Children. In , Robert Baden-Powellbegan the world scouting movement with 20 boysand an experimental camp in Dorset, England. Today, more than 28 million scouts areactive in countries, organized in small, locallybased troops with strong global connections.
First, we have opted to support communitybasedorganizations that serve hundreds of vulnerablechildren and youth, often with extraordinary compassionand effectiveness. Second, our small grants go along way in developing countries, so a relatively littleamount of money can have a big impact.
Among our grantee partners are many small giants. With a Sustainability Awardfrom GFC in , the group purchased a building,gaining a long-term asset and organizational stability.
Two documentaryfilms we invested in, War Child and Journeyof a Red Fridge, were screened at major film festivalsto critical acclaim. Your support has a tremendous multiplier effect whenjoined with the contributions of others. Each of you helps us toappreciate the small—while dreaming big. Our Impact Around the WorldGrantmakingWe believe that in order to thrive in childhoodand develop into contributing adults,children and youth must be engaged inthe learning process wherever they maybe.