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It may not be distributed or copied for profit. Many of the families have 2 sons by the same name. John and Jonathan. These are 2 different sons. Some websites combine the families, thinking they are the same person. J P Mead wrote a wonderful book on the Mead family.
As with any document, there maybe mistakes. COM when you find additions or corrections. Use Ctrl-F to find information. Last updated: May 12, This document is by generations. A number has been assigned to each person, it is shown to the left of the name. If you want to print the chart, you DO NOT have to print the whole document, only the pages you need!!
Find the page you want to print. This is usually in the lower left corner. When you send the page to print, specify which page or pages you want to print. He married Joan Wycliff. She was born Abt. Nicholas, Elmdon, Essex, England. His most faithful wife Jo h an na placed this monument. He died 20th May He names the children of his first wife, Joan, by her previous marriage, and Thomas and Reynold Reginald with him.