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Abuse Tracker Part 2: March to April On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse Tracker. Allen Jr. James G. Gaynor , on The BishopAccountability. Louis Post-Dispatch March 10, - Ban on profane, rude, or indecent speech Louis ordered to produce Gordon J.
Louis March 16, - Attrition or Contrition? News March 17, - Child sex abuse royal commission: Salvation Army did not protect young boys from being abused while in its care, report finds , by Antonette Collins, ABC News March 17, - Salvos ran 'brutal' homes: report , in Daily Mail March 17, - Salvation Army boys homes findings , in Daily Mail March 17, - Salvation Army failed to protect boys from abuse for decades, report says , by Helen Davidson, Guardian March 17, - Royal Commission into child sexual abuse: Salvos failed to protect boys, report finds , by Rachel Browne, Sydney Morning Herald March 17, - Salvos 'brutalised' children in care , in Sky News March 17, - Where'd cemetery money go?
Listecki , by Marci A. News March 20, - Ks. Wojciech G. Richard McCormick, serving time for sexual abuse, named in civil suit , by Julie Manganis, Salem News March 22, - Royal commission exposing the hard truths about abuse , in Sydney Morning Herald March 23, - We can't let next generation forget cruelty and neglect children suffered , by Maeve Lewis, Irish Independent March 23, - Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary apologizes to victims of sexual abuse by former leader John Howard Yoder , by Michelle Sokol, Elkhart Truth March 22, - Leo Abse 'being investigated by police in connection with allegations of child abuse' , by Steffan Rhys, Wales Online March 22, - Church refuses to comment on reports Pray for it , by Joshua J.
Joseph J. Alexander, O. Alexander , in BishopAccountability. James H. Roth, O. Thomas Andert, O. Richard P. Rice, BishopAccountability. John M. Michael H. The sisters or the Vatican?