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Welcome to the Tamora Pierce Wiki! Want to edit and see fewer ads cluttering your screen? Consider creating an account and participating in our small community! Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the community's main page , and more. Alanna is the first female knight in Tortall in over a century. She was enlisted by the gods , namely the Great Mother Goddess , in order to stop Duke Roger and his associates. She became a hero and a legend by stopping Duke Roger, finding and retrieving the Dominion Jewel , and becoming the first woman knight in a century.
She became the first female King's Champion in known history, and was a fully realized and able warrior as well as a fully realized and able mage. She specialized mostly in healing magics, but used battle magics when necessary. Because of the rearing lioness that was put on her shield, she was known as Alanna the Lioness , or just simply The Lioness. She became a member of the Bloody Hawk tribe of the Bazhir and was their shaman for a brief period, thus heightening her abilities with her magic, as well as her teaching skills.
She was adopted by Myles of Olau , and she became the heir to Barony Olau after Myles, as he has no other children. She married George Cooper , a former Rogue and King of Thieves, who became the respectable baron of Pirate's Swoop as well as one of the two spymasters. Pg Lady Marinie died while birthing the twins, even though Marinie and her newborn children had the magical Gift. After the loss of his wife, Alan lived a secluded life and occupied himself with his scholarly work as opposed to kindling relationships with his two children.
He failed at giving them the impression that they were loved, and they were primarily raised by Coram Smythesson , a former soldier and family servant, and Maude Tanner , the village healer. Coram taught them basic fighting skills and how to track and hunt while Maude showed them how to handle their Gift. Alanna proved to be quite adept at Coram's lessons, more so than her brother, but was hesitant at using the full potential of her magic, fearing the gift.