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T he exponential increase in the number of Coronavirus new cases and deaths , especially in the 9 'central core' provinces and the 4 Southern border provinces of Thailand [the so-called dark red areas ] continues unabated. In June , the 3rd Wave Covid surge began with increased medical testing by the Go vern ment , starting with factory employees and workers in construction camps.
And - while initial supplies of vaccines lasted - they were testing and vaccinating at the same time. Testing alone, however, continued in July at an even more rapid pace a pace that many were saying should have been adopted months before. And the more they tested, the more Covid they found. Bangkok's Night Entertainment Areas lay in darkness. The above : Silom Soi 4 Soi Katoey. As we head into August , the numbers of both new Covid cases and deaths continues to increase dramatically.
In lock-step with these increases, the Go ver nment is incrementally tightening down on movement and access see detailed coverage below. Thailand's Night Entertainment Scene continues to be at a virtual standstill - only a few sidewalk bars and ' speakeasy ' venues are open to those willing to take the chance. Part III? The Affected Provinces as of 01 August In summation, the outlook for Thailand's Night Entertainment Scene and Tourism in general remains unchanged from that over the previous two months.
With Covid worsening meteorically, it would be disingenuous to give a date for which Thailand will once again open its doors to tourism. We will continue to update in future issues as conditions change. Not specific to the " Sand Box. Those arriving in Thailand from other countries may find variations to these guidelines. With regard to the insurance requirement mentioned above, travellers to Thailand from the USA have found the below Insurance Company was able to provide them with the proper insurance.