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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Environment and Management II. The popular ice cream social will be poolside this year. PSA awards celebration is scheduled for 5 p.
A gracious thank you is extended to the PSA leadership. We want to thank Jeff and his program committee for their selfless efforts on our behalf. Vanessa K. Todd J. Paul H. Please note that all rooms and times are subject to change. Handlery Hotel. Tuesday, July Wear your meeting badge! It is your admission to all special events and meal functions. Poster viewing will be on Tuesday through Thursday. Posters must be in place by am Tuesday, July Files will not be accepted via e-mail.
All PowerPoint presentations will be loaded in advance of each session. Pacific Salon , at am on July Meet the exhibitors and check out the latest scientific research on the posters. Registration fee includes a t-shirt. Zoolittle, the San Diego Zoo's zany, good-natured wildlife researcher.
Please join us as we share an evening of honoring the award winners. Please be sure to purchase your ticket in advance. PSA will provide simultaneous Spanish translation for six symposia.