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To browse Academia. A Study in Genesis, whereby an attempt is made to determine the origin and histories of our ancient ancestors. Ross Marshall. However this tradition, like others, possesses its own peculiar limitations. Even more than Hellenic mythology, the Indian is so rich in names that much of it pertains to times too late to fall within the early postdiluvian period. Owing to the lengthy genealogy ending in Krishna, I have never considered an early postdiluvian identity for that important Hindu god.
Because these names occur randomly at the 15 th , 37 th and 38 th generations of the solar line of Ayodhya, I have not yet attempted a comprehensive explanation of the Indian list or determined why these few names should pop out of context to agree with Sumerian records. The values I give these names are entirely dependent on L. Waddell's work in Makers of Civilization The present essay is something of a juggling act because it deals with so many different lists as basis for comparison and identification.
The reader should keep in mind that I am referring to the following sources: 1 four simultaneous lines of the Indian king lists which Waddell has abstracted from texts known as Puranas— the Ayodhya and Videha solar lines and Yadu and Puru lunar lives, 2 Sumerian king lists such as the " Kish Chronicle " as transliterated and arranged by Waddell, 3 the comprehensive Sumerian King List, including many of the same names, as translated by Samuel Noah Kramer, 4 the charts of simultaneous Sumerian dynasties based on inscriptional evidence as presented by William Hallo and 5 the biblical lists of Noahic patriarchs in Genesis Those patriarchs, interpreted in a distinctive way in Kingship at Its Source, are the bottom line of all my research.
The five different sources are dealt with simultaneously because all these kings belonged to the same body of rulers living in essentially the same period as long-lived contemporaries. A new use for the entire set of four simultaneous Indian king lists results from a striking synchronism within my chronology not Waddell's. The main point of my interpretation depends only on the date Waddell gives for the Assyrian conquest of the Hittite Empire with the capture of Carchemish in BCE.