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Samsung has partnered with Korea university and developed the machine-gun equipped robotic sentry. It is equipped with two cameras with zooming capabilities one for day time and one for infrared night vision. It has a sophisticated pattern recognition which can detect the difference between humans and trees, and a 5. The robot also has a speaker to warn the intruder to surrender or get a perfect headshot.
Video after the jump. And you deal with the countermeasure of a kid with a paintgun how, exactly? Also, this design does not move, which means that it has all of the problems that any fixed emplacement system has — including those of being blindsided using known terrain features and low tech approaches, such as paintball shots to its sensor ports or something as simple as a very large blanket thrown over it which would allow attackers to move into the blind areas shown on your own video and use other means such as shaped charges, to disable the system.
And I have not even begun to address other, more sophistacated methods of blinding television-based systems, which are numerous. There is NO substitute for combined ground defense systems that do not include boots on the ground. Ask any Special Forces grunt. Or teenage prankster. This looks like an infomercial on cable. Great, now all they need to do is program it to tell the difference between a Spy, a Drunk and a Teenage Prankster, and the world will be a safer place!
Give me gut instinct and common sense any day! Anybody notice how all the targets wandered about with their hands hanging all monkey like. So if you wanted to walk right by it, just put your hands up, put your hands way up! Look, there wont be any drunks or teenage pranksters in the Korean DMZ. Anyone crossing that very well defined swath of land is doing so wittingly and with full knowledge that the guys on the other side will shoot.