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The Straits Times, 20 August Microfilm: NL Title Section. Save Citation. Article, Illustration. We expect them to start being productive almost immediately. Jakarta govt to visit Aceh to cool tensions. Indonesia's entire Cabinet will visit the rebellious province of Aceh next week in an unprecedented attempt to calm separatist tensions, military commander Genera!
Wiranto said. Reuters; AFP - words. Millennium BA-by boom. Many have been transferred to check-in desks at London's Heathrow airport. An airline spokesman said yesterday that the jobs of. Reuters - words. DBS goes international in bid to be world-class. Page 1 Advertisements. Page 1 Advertisements Column 1. Page 1 Advertisements Column 2. Page 2. SCDF said the helmet will provide better protection for the ears, neck, face and skull. Taiwan approves TMD draft plan.
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According to the Anatolia news agency, in the hardesthit province of Izmit alone, some 3, people died. HK's Commissioner of Inland Revenue sacked. Cops accused of corruption. One of them was also accused of breaching the Official Secrets Act, among other offences.