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To browse Academia. Ron Shimelmitz. Jak Yakar. Emil Pevtsov. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association. Claudia Chang. Emily Hammer. Archaeological and historical data show that pastoral systems in Anatolia over the last ten thousand years were characterised by a high degree of variability in degree of mobility, land-use and animal preferences, target products and herd management strategies, and political organisation.
Long-distance pastoral nomadism was a historically late development in the region, occurring over the last 1, to 1, years. Ethnographic analogy currently structures the majority of archaeological conclusions concerning pre-modern pastoralism, but obscures the variability that recent archaeological work brings to light. Multidisciplinary studies seeking empirical data on ancient pastoralism and mobility are critical for developing a more subtle and accurate picture.
Harun Yeni. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies. William Irons. This essay examines the function of nomadism in the traditional way of life of the Yomut Turkmen of northern Iran. The conclusion reached is that the Yomut economy did not require the degree of nomadism which the Yomut maintained. Rather, a semi-sedentary residence pattern Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Alexei Kalionski. Related Papers. Nomadic Peoples Hammer, E. Nomadic Peoples American Ethnologist Nomadism as a political adaptation: the case of the Yomut Turkmen.