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Prologue 37, no. World War II". Prologue 25, no. Prologue 26, no. Lee's Parole and Citizenship". Prologue 11, no. Journal of American History , no. Prologue 45, no. Prologue 46, no. Prologue 44, no. American History Illustrated , no. Jean Baptiste Chopin, ". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 81, no. Prologue 36, no. Prologue 33, no. Aalders, Gerard. Spoils of War 3 December : Abbott, Richard H. Civil War History 43, no.
Abel, Christopher. Hispanic American Historical Review 75, no. Abella, Irving and Harold Troper. Canadian Historical Review 60, no. Abingbade, Harrison Ola. Journal of Negro History 66, no. Abrams, Floyd. Prologue 24, no. Accinelli, Robert D. Foreign Policy, ". Diplomatic History 4, no.
Diplomatic History 9, no. Historian 40, no. Accinelli, Robert. Presidential Studies Quarterly 20, no. Hill, and Charles A. Prologue 23, no. Adams, Margaret O. Prologue 32, no. Adams, Nicholas. Owings: A Portrait of the Architect as a Storyteller".
Indiana Magazine of History , no. Adamson, Matthew. British Journal for the History of Science 49, no. Adamson, Michael R. Diplomatic History 29, no. Commitment to Diem's Vietnam, ". Presidential Studies Quarterly 32, no. Business History Review 76, no. Adelman, Jeremy. Journal of Latin American Studies 25, no.