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For complaints, use another form. Study lib. Upload document Create flashcards. Flashcards Collections. Documents Last activity. Add to Add to collection s Add to saved. Math Talent Search W. Freeman and Company Wolfram Research Inc. General Results Statistical Analysis of Results Area of Participation Date and Format of the AMC State Directors, Sponsors, Donors and Committees Contributions of the University of Nebraska Final Comments Worth, Texas Catherines School, Richmond, Virginia Introduction I am pleased to announce that over , students from more than 2, schools participated in the AMC 8 contest.
General Results This summary includes a listing of the results and awards associated with the 24th annual AMC 8, which was held on Tuesday, November 18, From the responses received from many of the contest managers, it is evident that the examination was once again well received by the students and teachers. A total of perfect scores were recorded in while the national average moved to The AMC 8 Committee is in its final stage of preparation of the exam and I expect it to be similar to the edition.
A four-year statistical comparison of results is given in Section III. We sincerely hope that your school administrators will continue to support your future requests for funds to enable your students to participate in this academic activity which is consistent with the standards set by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. On behalf of the AMC 8 committee, I express my appreciation to all of the school contest managers and their associated teachers, school counselors and administrators for providing an opportunity for their students to participate in the AMC 8.
I particularly would like to express my gratitude to those teachers who personally paid the fees associated with the contest. Their dedication to the profession is certainly noteworthy and beyond the call of duty. Some of the students failed to mark items such as their grade or gender. While the AMC 8 is primarily intramural, the national results make some comparison at that level viable, but the examination, which has no established norms, is comparable to neither classroom nor placement tests.