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To browse Academia. The present study was conducted to investigate whether effects of wholesaler and consumer conditions on egg quality parameters and microbiology of four different genotypes in summer season.
This experiment was carried out with a total of eggs obtained from Lohman Brown, Decalb, Nick Chick and Atabey hens, 56 weeks old age in summer season average temperature 36 oC.
The quality criteria and microorganism level were evaluated the eggs stored under different temperature conditions. External and internal quality traits of eggs were measured weekly. The results of the experiment, egg weight loss increased linearly with storage time and highest at wholesaler Eggs are one of nearly perfect protein foods, offering nutrients of great biological value. However, during storage, egg albumen and yolk components may alter and deteriorate egg quality.
Therefore, the aim of this work was to assess egg quality during 9-week storage. Parameters such as Haugh unit, weight loss, egg width and length, specific gravity, yolk and albumen dimensions and their pH were evaluated weekly. For storage time, an unfolding analysis was accomplished by regression analysis using orthogonal polynomials. As a second approach, principal component analysis PCA was performed in order to assess correlations among quality parameters on storage conditions and laying hen strains.