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To be honest, I have a total crush on him! This is the biggest sign of whether or not a guy is into you. Or tease her. Or be annoying. So maybe you and him talk on a regular basis. Now, a guy might talk about how another woman is hot randomly, and sometimes that can be innocent. This is plain enough. In fact, I lay out the foundations for all the most common relationship advice problems here , so you can check that page out.
Missing a date or two is one thing, but if this is a regular occurrence then it becomes telling. The best thing you can do to tell if a guy likes you is pay close attention to how he interacts with others in general.
Which brings me to my next point…. This is where I see a lot of women get confused. They get all wound up because some guy totally swept them off their feet. He got her number, they had a charming conversation, she texts him and….
I thought it was affectionate and nice, but I meant it in a platonic way. I learned my lesson, and the lesson I want to impart here is that you have to pay attention to how the guy interacts with others in general, not just with you. In general, giving a guy space and time to show his feelings is the best policy.