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To browse Academia. Lamiaa Ibrahim. When driver is in the state of drowsiness he can cause accidents. This state is the state between being awake and asleep. In this state driver reaction time is slower, his attentiveness is reduced, and his information processing is less efficient. The FDS aims to monitor the driver and the alertness to prevent them from falling asleep at the wheel.
FDS is very hard to fix in a car. In the present paper, the FDS software is modified and new system WakeApp is developed to be run in smartphone instead of Laptop and use all advantages of smartphone like camera and late weight.
The WakeApp will solve this problem by using a mobile phone camera; the phone will be put on a stand in the car to make the driver feels comfortable. Both components are integrated together to record real video for the driver, and th I get indications in mind and senses about things and people.
I am perfect in clairvoyant, psychic, divination readings basically based on African native Arabic form of Numerology spell casting; I have an intense command over spiritual healing, spells and its removals. I can read minds of anyone or any number of people just by their names.