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Same-sex sexual activity is illegal for males, though the law is not enforced. Same-sex sexual activity is illegal for males in Saint Lucia. The Criminal Code No. Multiple sources state that these laws are not enforced. In November , while speaking at the Caribbean Center for Family and Human Rights CARIFAM meeting, External Affairs Minister Sarah Flood-Beaubrun has reiterated her position that government "will stick to its decision to refrain from decriminalising buggery and prostitution despite mounting pressure from international countries and organisations.
They have urged the government of Saint Lucia to "strongly denounce any forms of violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression".
He told reporters "If Saint Lucians want that to be revisited I have no problems with that. But I think the time has come when we really have to look at it. Too many young people are being maligned because of their sexual orientation.
Everyone should be entitled to his or her own sexual, political and religious beliefs. I agree that we should have a review of it. Homosexuality with consenting adults in their privacy — I see no problem, but like I said, everybody is entitled to their opinion and we must respect everybody in that kind of discussion. In late March , The head of the Catholic Church in Saint Lucia , Archbishop Robert Rivas , has asserted that the church is not against gays or lesbians and has expressed the hope that the governments in the region will 'do what is right' on the matter of the law against buggery.