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To browse Academia. Based on a 1,,word corpus of immediacy texts private letters, memories the results of this variationist study suggest that throughout the 16th century, but more especially during its second half, the prepositional periphrasis gradually became more common, above all in stylistic contexts predominated by the spontaneity and proximity of the relationships between the interlocutors.
It was also more frequently found in contexts involving members of northern speech communities, particularly males, the young and the middle-low social strata, the incidence being especially high at the points where some of these groups intersect.
All this suggests a change from below in the Golden Age period, which reached considerable dimensi Differential Object Marking in Romance - The third wave, ed. Berlin: De Gruyter. Anna Pineda. The existence of Differential Object Marking DOM is well-established in a number of Romance languages and varieties, such as Spanish and Romanian, where its use extends to several types of direct objects.
For other languages in the Romance family, like Catalan, DOM is often considered to be absent, except for personal pronouns and a few other cases-at least from the perspective of normative grammar. However, in most varieties of Catalan, DOM applies to human direct objects generally, including proper names, definites and some indefinites, and even occasionally extends to bare plurals or inanimates.