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Please tell us a little about yourself and how you began your journey with drawing and making art? G reetings earthlings! My name is Bernardo Maldonado Morales. I was born in Chile, but spent my forming years in England. I live in Mannheim, Germany, spent some time in Heidelberg too, and I still think in english. I started drawing when I was a small child… I felt a connection to the act of drawing almost instantly I suppose. I remember being struck by the visual impact of cartoons and was really happy and eager to get a hand painted T-Shirt by my aunt with a cartoon character.
It was Chilly Willy by Walter Lantz. I distinctly remember the smell of the paint too! That really grabbed me. Just like when children open christmas presents and smell the plastic of the wrapping and toys themselves. Those memories stay with you. It still does today. Do you have a classic graffiti past, or how did your connection with this culture come about? I also went to England to study and that rocked my world again, making my connection to comics even stronger!
Meanwhile the whole German graffiti scene started its development. Heidelberg playing a major role thanks to my brother. I spent most of my time in England so I followed it first hand, but comics was my realm. What was it that motivated and inspired you?
How did this obsession manage to take hold of you and allow you to successfully bring classic typography into the mix as well? Still are… In school we were given an assignment to draw a whole comicstrip. The rest was history as they say… At least then I considered it as a legitimate career.