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If you intend to do any of the following in Uruguay, please contact Risk Services at risk berkeley. Import Controls. UC employees must adhere to U. Export Controls. Export controls may apply to advanced software and technology, research data, and other sensitive assets. Go here for the University of California plan for compliance with federal export controls.
If you plan on taking or sending potentially export-controlled materials to Uruguay, consult the campus Research Administration Compliance Office at Tax Reporting. The University and its employees may be taxed in foreign countries. The United States does not have a tax treaty with Uruguay.
Foreign Bank Account Reporting. The U. Treasury Department requires U. Country Embargoes and Targeted Sanctions. In general, collaborations between University personnel and scholars at foreign institutions or organizations do not require export licenses unless they involve export-controlled or -restricted research or involve scholars in sanctioned countries.
Before engaging in an international collaboration, the University needs to determine whether export licenses are required and to verify that the foreign collaborator is not blocked or sanctioned. It prohibits offering to pay, paying, promising to pay, or authorizing the payment of money or anything of value to a foreign official. It is also unlawful to make a payment to a third party knowing that all or part of the payment will go to a foreign official. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.