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Tens of thousands of people — dads with babies in strollers, moms managing teenagers and grandparents waving Mexican and American flags — turned out to watch a parade Sunday that featured little girls with ribbons in their hair on floats, on foot and in cars. The fights forced the group to foot the bill for additional police to manage the crowd. Events that draw massive, often-rowdy crowds downtown — like those on Halloween, Mardi Gras and Cinco de Mayo — frequently end with broken windows and violence.
But this time around, even drunken revelers club-hopping on the actual day of the May 5 holiday, Saturday, kept their cool. Tension between police and the Latino community was heightened this year because the celebration came in the wake of a political clash between the Mexican Consulate and police officials over allegations that police use excessive force when handling Latino suspects.
Police flooded downtown Saturday and Sunday night, closing parking garages where trouble could start. More than officers were on hand Saturday night to deal with problems and redirect pedestrian traffic, something they ended up not needing to do. Officers made 18 felony and 48 misdemeanor arrests on Saturday and wrote tickets. Police also detained minors for violating curfew laws. The sense of peace flowed into Sunday morning.
People packed the route to its end at Plaza de Cesar Chavez, celebrating a culture that was both Mexican and distinctly San Josean. Aztec-style dancers opened the parade followed by little girls in folklorico dresses twirling to mariachi music.