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Skip to content Accessibility Information. The book charts sessions of myofascial structural emotional release bodywork with Ray Haq over a period of three years throughout the Corona lockdown. The book takes a somatic approach to healing complex trauma and charts the journey of a woman surmounting a dark past and moving through all obstacles to fully stand in her power. This book is a transgressive, blasphemous and harrowing series of images and writings around the body and its pain thresholds.
The only way to evolve is through suffering. Suffering through the body becomes Foxes art and the ultimate liberation. At times blunt and transgressive, at other times beautiful and transcendental. It is heavy on expletives. The sentences tend to be short. Despite the liberal spread of profanities this is not an aggressive work, there is a general feel of positivity throughout.
The Visceral Tear both a gash in the flesh and a drip of bodily juice is a series of 50 or so episodes that are perhaps best thought of as prose poems. Some read as parables or extended aphorisms, others as journal entries or short stories. The writing is at times careful and contemplative whilst at other times, indeed mostly, more like the fever-dream diary of an erotic graphomaniac.
There is a recurrent theme of spirituality; the female organ as a quasi-religion or thing of worship. Sex for this author can be both otherworldly and earthy; not uncommonly it is both at the same time. The reader will find plenty of dirt and blood in The Visceral Tear and within this the reader, like its author, may well find beauty and truth too.