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To browse Academia. Vincent Stephens. The presentation suggests that the non-threatening sexual image Mathis presented in the s was an overt commercial strategy intended to appease white audiences and adhere to an imperative for public respectability, an enduring theme within African-American cultural politics.
Despite these seeming compromises close critical attention to his musical choices, visual imagery, and press clippings reveals a complex performance of sexual elusiveness that is as available to a queer gaze as the racialized heterosexual gaze implicit to pop music. Fred E Maus. Survey of musicological writing on music, gender, and sexuality, written for a book on the cultural study of music.
Published Francesca Royster. Lloyd Whitesell , Jacob Sagrans. This bibliography indexes music scholarship that features material on gender diversity, queer identity, culture, knowledge, or practice, or that approaches its topic from a queer, transgender, or anti-oppressive perspective.
It does not index reviews or the popular queer press. Because it follows different guidelines for inclusion, it does not duplicate all listings in archived newsletters. I did a substantial expansion of the bibliography in the summer of bringing it from 31 to 43 pages.