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The new Bali tourist tax tax will stack on top of the visa fee and is designed to preserve culture and environment. This fee will be in addition to the Visa On Arrival fee most tourists pay.
The tax aims to preserve the culture and environment of Bali, which attract millions of foreign visitors each year. The levy, equivalent to , rupiah, will be collected electronically upon entry into Bali from abroad or other parts of Indonesia. However, domestic Indonesian tourists will not be subject to this charge. This fee is in addition to the visa fee a tourist will also pay. I Wayan Koster, the governor of Bali, reassured that the new tax would not deter visitors. He stated, "We will use it for the environment [and] culture, and we will build better quality infrastructure so travelling to Bali will be more comfortable and safe.
Quick Check: Find out what visa you need for Bali. Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana, chairman of the Bali Tourism Board, expressed his hopes that the tourist tax would prevent Bali from becoming known solely as a cheap destination. He emphasized that "cheap destinations bring in cheap tourists who tend to cause a lot of problems. According to The Independent, recent incidents involving disruptive behavior by foreign visitors have highlighted the need for stricter measures.
In April, a Russian woman was deported after posing nude in front of a sacred tree in Bali. Similarly, an Australian woman was deported after arguing with police during a traffic stop for riding a scooter without a helmet. The introduction of this tourist tax is seen as crucial for preserving Bali's unique cultural heritage and protecting its environment.