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Sometimes it's best to let sleeping houses lie. Crypt Keeper: sets up a video camera; looks into it Hi, Mom! Especially when the home is haunted! Tonight's twisted tale, my dear couch potatoes, is filed under "T" for "television". Or should that be "terror"? Horton Rivers is about to find out, so stay tuned to this totally titillating tube! Horton Rivers Morton Downey, Jr. Horton and his cameraman Trip Anderson Michael Harris soon enter the long-abandoned house, planning to use the ghostly atmosphere within to score the ratings boost of a lifetime.
At first, the investigation is seemingly all hype and no horror, but little are Horton, Trip, and the show's crew aware, the Ritter House has some very real and very sinister surprises waiting for them, letting them learn the hard way that some things are just better left alone.
Adaptational Villainy : In the comic, the television personality named Al Hunt was just an average reporter who got more than he bargained for when he went inside the house.
The ghosts. In the comic, there are only three of them, with any murder in their backstories being speculation. They do kill the paranormal expert, but Al commits suicide. Here, it's Ada Ritter, a single Ax-Crazy woman who murdered twelve soon to be fourteen people in a viciously gruesome fashion. All Part of the Show : Sam and the producers assume that Horton being attacked by ghosts is part of his newscast, as do the network heads, who love the ratings spike the show takes because of it.