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See how the rescuers worked with locals to save lives. If you were surprised to learn about tiger cub—breeding mills, just wait until you see how some people fetishize chimpanzees. What the University of Bristol does to small mammals is nothing short of wicked. Labor Day means nothing to our fellow animals who are exploited every single day. A rogue professor at the University of Washington violated protocol and repeatedly sickened and burned a monkey to the point of near death.
PETA is calling for her immediate removal. Take action at PETA. PETA fieldworkers transported Bella for free to and from her spay appointment and gave her a desperately needed haircut to help her stay cool during the blazing summer heat. PETA India members in Karnataka handed out ice-cold vegan milk to remind the public that mothers of all mammal species—cows and humans included—produce milk for their own babies.
Protesters exposed the horrors of the Washington National Primate Research Center, where hundreds of monkeys have suffered, to attendees of the American Psychological Association Convention. Learn more at PETA. PETA supporters called for a ban on horse-drawn carriages in New York City on the second anniversary of the collapse of an emaciated horse named Ryder in the middle of a busy street. Compassionate students at Texas State University gave up valuable study time to share how dairy and other animal-derived products harm animals and devastate the planet.
Are foreign laboratories running amok with U. A new federal report confirms what PETA has uncovered. Learn about the details of the case, and then take action for dogs used in law enforcement. Humans and Other Animals presents profound philosophical ideas that may forever change how humans view other animals—and ourselves. SkyTaxi, a tiny airline based in Poland, has been causing big trouble for monkeys.