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When spring is coming from January to March , the Lo Lo people are preparing to celebrate a new year. Not too crow, noisy, their traditional custom is simple but still is interesting. From the end of year, every house in the village will clean the house and sweep rubbish to the road, which means to remove the unlucky things of the old year and bring good luck for the family in the coming year.
All members in the family were prayed for the health, invite the spirits of ancestors home for the celebrations.
They also stick the yellow or red papers on every item of furniture such as hoes, knife, plow, tree, animal lodging, etc. The New Year eve is the most bustle night in the year. All villagers will wake up. The older women with children sit near the fire and cook the Chung cake which is a traditional cake in New Year. The older men drink wine. The youth people pick some wood, vegetable or corn and bring to the home.
It means to bring luck. Especially, they have to take enough 12 items, such as 12 corn, 12 eggs, 12 chickens, 12 fruits…It represents for 12 lucky months. Each minority group in Vietnam has different custom to celebrate the New Year, but they always wish to have a good fortune in coming year with good weather, cultivate, healthy and happiness.