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The Vietnam War topped the list of concerns of Murray County families in the s. Scores of Murray men served in Vietnam. Four were killed there. This section of the museum is devoted only to the Vietnam War's impart on Murray lives. Most of the material initially posted in this section first appeared in The Chatsworth Times during the fall of The articles were written and copyrighted by Herman McDaniel, who retains all rights to them.
Much information appears in the museum that was not included in the newspaper. Tap To Enlarge! Certain words and phrases from those years also conjure up memories and images for those who lived through that era: hippies; sexual revolution; free-love; the drug culture; draft dodgers; peace symbols; the establishment; the puzzle palace; Disney Land East; Berkeley; Kent State University, etc.
One of the earliest shocking images that Americans saw on television was broadcast in , a Buddhist monk setting himself on fire in public, then burning to death without flinching, dying to protest the policies of the South Vietnamese government. During the course of the war, several others died in similar fashion, some in the United States.
In an American Quaker poured kerosene on his body, then set himself ablaze underneath the Pentagon window of Secretary of Defense McNamara. The anti-war protest rallies seemed to be constantly on television screens and newspaper front pages, varying mainly by location, intensity, and number of demonstrators present. The photo of a South Vietnamese officer shooting a suspected Viet Cong boy shocked the world.