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Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups with unique styles and motif arts, which showcase their traditions and are passed on to the next generations.
It is a testament to the creativity and effort of women in all ethnic groups in Vietnam. Everything is hand made and in the past, only natural materials were used. Clothing styles have evolved over time and through external contact. Fashion exists even in the most remote regions. Today change is accelerating especially in the northern Hmong and Yao communities where synthetic fabrics, wool, and chemical dyes are now in wide use. Hmong women use fabric woven from hemp which is then dyed with indigo.
Ethnic garments often incorporate many complex sewing techniques. I made this dress using the cotton I grew at the age of I made fibers from cotton and dyed using natural colors such as black from arum leaves, yellow from arac tree roots.
I sat on the floor and tied one end of the loom to my back as I pushed the other end with my foot to weave…. Applique In applique small pieces of coloured fabric are sewn on to a background to create patterns. Various coloured fabrics are cut into geometrical forms and sewn on to the fabric while the threads are hidden behind the applique.