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To browse Academia. Mary Ramsay. Samhali Ali. David Bergman. In , an unprecedented spillover event occurred in Flagstaff, Arizona, when 19 striped skunks Mephitis mephitis tested positive for a bat variant of the rabies virus commonly associated with the big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus.
Emergency funding was requested and an intensive trap-vaccinate-release campaign was enacted to control the outbreak. Following the summer of , no rabid animals were detected until when 5 rabid striped skunks and 1 rabid gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus were again found with the same bat variant of the rabies virus. This smaller outbreak continued through September and prompted an opportunistic trap-vaccinate-release program throughout the Flagstaff area.
In November , a rabid gray fox was found with the bat variant. Since then, 23 rabid gray fox, 6 rabid striped skunks, and 1 rabid ringtail Bassariscus astutus have been found with the same bat variant of the rabies virus. Because of the shift in host species and the number of rab Simenew Keskes Melaku.
Igor Morozov. Justin Denholm. Sebastian Maurer-Stroh. Vincent Fonseca. Jamal al-Mutawa , Gulfaraz Khan. Nastya Ivanova. Yuka Yulistika. Outmane Soussi Noufail. Monica H Green. Efstratios Papanis. Dendy Mahardika. Manik Mandal. Gavin Lavery. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.