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Hi, my name is Manuel! Hi, my name is Mojca! I am from Slovenia in Europe and I work as a student advisor at our Shanghai school. Here are some Chinese Swear Words you should absolutely learn! You also need juicy content that will make you feel an active listener and speaker… even when the conversation goes too far! Well we hope not, but if you do…. According to our Chinese colleagues, this is a fantastic way to break up with someone!!
Who knew. If the ref makes a bad call, why not join in yourself!? Might get some approving looks off some fellow angry locals and make a friend or two!! If you like learning funny things about China, you should definitely check out our Chinglish blog too:. Chinglish — Sometimes you have to see it to believe it. You will be amazed at some of these language mishaps that are made when translating to Chinese. Quite a funny one this. The character is particularly interesting and rather crude if you break it down.
Does the Chinese Alphabet exist? What are the most common Chinese characters? All your questions, answered.
Caught saying this in the wrong situation, and you could be in quite the situation yourself. The literal translation of patting a horses backside is a rather funny one. This word is used both to define someone really suffering from a mental illness, or to someone who has an ambiguous manner and an equivocal attitude. Check out our favourites. If you are a veggie or a vegan in China , and you like Tofu, go steady when enquiring at local markets and restaurants!